The Online4EDU Blended-Learning Course for Teachers has started!
20.01.2016 - Last week more than 120 teachers from four countries not only entered for the first time the e-learning platform of the course “Online Collaboration Tools for Teachers” but also met in national Face-to-Face trainings their trainers and other participants. In Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Germany the trainings introduced the participants to the course, answered technical questions about the platform , showed best practices of online collaboration and explained the ECDL examination.
The experiences of the training and the start of the course vary from country to country. Read more about the national stories:
Lithuania´s training experience
The course is structured in mainly online learning and only two face-to-face trainings at the beginning and the end. The idea behind including those face-to-face trainings into the course concept was on the one hand to inform the participants about the most important issues regarding the course and answering any questions they might have. On the other hand the trainings served to form a tighter bond between the participants among themselves and towards the trainers so that we can ensure better motivation during three month of training.
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