"Online4Edu" war ein Projekt der Stiftung Digitale Chancen in 2014 - 2016.
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The new EU-funded project Online4EDU had its first Partner meeting

Online4EDU Partner Meeting Berlin

30.01.15 - The new EU-funded project Online4EDU had its first Partner meeting on 13th and 14th of January 2015 in Berlin, Germany. Five partner organizations form Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ireland and Germany met in the capital city to discuss the first steps of the project, that include national surveys, the creation of the blended learning curriculum and dissemination.

The project Online4EDU is only in its first phase but the consortium is already enthusiastic about it. During the meeting, that was hosted by Stiftung Digitale Chancen, the five partner organizations paved the way for the course of the project and discussed what is going to happen in the next months. A big part of the work will be to address school teachers as the target group of the project. A survey will be conducted in order to assess if and how teacher use online collaboration tools and what knowledge they would like to acquire regarding these tools. The survey will be carried out on national levels in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Germany as the piloting countries. All teachers will be invited to take part in the survey in order to gain a full overview of the topic. As soon as the survey starts, the consortium will disseminate the questionnaire.

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