E-Skills for Jobs 2015 High-Level Conference

On 13th of March 2015 the High level Conference on e-Skills will take place at the Latvian National Library Building in Riga. This event will represent the official launch of the "e-Skills for Jobs 2015" campaign, held under the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The campaign is an initiative of the European Commission. It is aiming to raise awareness to address a shortfall in the number of European citizens with professional digital skills (e-skills). The event is organised by the Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association (LIKTA), DIGITALEUROPE and the European Schoolnet with the support of Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs, Cisco and Microsoft.
The e-Skills for Jobs campaign takes place, tackling the lack of digital skills in Europe and the thousands of unfilled ICT-related vacancies across all industry sectors. The youth, people seeking digital skills, workers and SMEs will gather with policy makers, business leaders and education and training providers to discuss about existing and new digital jobs in Europe today and the corresponding skills needed. The conference will showcase the contribution of ICT to the digital transformation of the European economy, beyond the traditional IT sector, and it’s potential to foster innovation, competitiveness, jobs and growth.
For more information, please visit www.eskillsforjobs.lv.
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